Building Hierarchical Structures for 3D Scenes Based on Normalized Cut
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 2018

Xi Zhao
Zhenqiang Su
Xi'an Jiaotong University

Building Hierarchical Structures for 3D Scenes Based on Normalized Cut


The growing number of 3D scene data available online brings in new challenges for scene retrieval, understanding, and synthesis. Traditional shape processing methods have difficulty to manage 3D scenes because such methods ignore the contextual information, that is, the spatial relationship between the objects or groups of objects, which plays a significant role in describing scenes. Therefore, a context‐aware representation is needed to deal with such a problem. In this paper, we propose a method to build scene hierarchies based on contextual information. Given a 3D scene, we first use the interaction bisector surface to measure the affinity between different objects/elements of the scene and then apply the normalized cut method to build a hierarchical structure for the whole scene. The resulting hierarchical structure contains not only the relationship between the individual objects but also the relationship between object groups, which provides much richer information of the scene compared with a flat structure that only describes the contacts or affinity between the individual objects. We test our method using several public databases and show that the resulting structure is more consistent with the ground truth. We also show that our method can be used for point cloud segmentation and outperforms previous methods.

[ paper (pdf, 1.2M) ]